Let Us Help You For FREE!

We Help Job Seekers Land High Paying Tech Jobs Through In-Person Networking.

It’s almost impossible to have your resume seen online. The best way to rise to the top of the stack is through in-person networking.

How Joshua Landed a New Job & Got a Promotion Within 2 Weeks

How Our Process Works

1) Definine Your Goals & Plan

During this stage, we establish clear, targeted goals for your career during our 1-hour strategy session.

2) Execute Our Networking Plan

We’ll create and help you execute a in-person networking strategy that GETS you interviews for positions you want.

3) Land a Job

We’ll train you on how to charm your way into landing the position of your dream.

If You Are Looking For a Tech Job As A...

Software Developer


Sales Rep

Information Technologist


Graphic Desinger

Claim Your FREE Strategy Session Below

Who knows, you may be 1 call away from completely changing the course of your life!

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Dejon Brooks (Founder)